And the antagonistic muscle also fatigued in this experiment, angle is the first risk factor of fatigue of forearm agonistic extensor muscle and antagonistic flexor muscle. 伸腕的角度是主动肌(伸肌)疲劳的首位危险因素,也是拮抗肌(屈肌)疲劳的首位影响因素。
The total effective rate of the treatment group higher is than that of the control group. Conclusion: First, there is a significant decrease in muscle strength of the agonistic muscle, when stoke patients who get hemiplegy try to bend forward, stretch? (疗后高于疗前)治疗组的总有效率高于对照组。结论:1、脑卒中患者偏瘫后患侧肩前屈、肩后伸、肩外展及屈肘时,以主动肌的肌力下降明显。